Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Cavanagh Altar Bread - 1 1/2" Whole Wheat Assorted Designs - 500/Container

Cavanagh Altar Bread - 1 1/2" Whole Wheat Assorted Designs - 500/Container Review

The Cavanagh Company uses baking methods established by historical liturgicalguidelines, combining only flour and water for the process. The mixtureis then spread between flat, rectangular plates that compress themixture as the plates move through a gas-fired oven. These ovensproduce rectangular sheets of wafer-thin bread, which are then passedthrough a humidifier for dampening, enabling the bread to be cut intocircles without crumbling. As the bread is cut, it passes under aturning drum of dyes that incise the wafers with religious symbols.

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